Knowing God

Tuesdays starting 9/24 | Please fill out this form and click submit.
The Doctrine of Christ - Christology
Starting Sepetmeber 24th
Tuesdays at 6:30pm
With Gene Dahmes

What will be covered in Christology:

• Is Christ eternal?                         • The God/ Man.

• Is Jesus God?                             • Christ "emptied Himself" - ?

• Jesus before Bethlehem - ?         • Was Jesus sinless?

• Divine attributes of Christ.            • Could Jesus have sinned?

• The Angel of the Lord.                  • Did Christ descend into hell?

• The virgin birth - for real?              • What is Jesus doing today?

• Humanity of Christ?                      • Is Jesus coming back?

Taught by Gene Dahmes - contact him with any questions at:

Class will be held in the Ministry Center Classroom



Tuesdays starting 9/24
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